
Back to the Leonardo da Vinci years...

- Annecy - Corporate - Others


Did you know?
Leonardo da Vinci, the creator of the ball bearing died 500 years ago!
Famous Italian scientist, he drew a small mechanical object taking up the principle of the Egyptian wooden logs. Nearly 422 years after his drawing, the first ball bearing was used in the industry.


Take Advantage of the SNR Powertrain PRO DAYS!

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Events

From 10th to 21st June 2024, don’t miss the return of the Powertrain PROMO DAYS! Discover our special offers on our engine range prodicts, with great promotions on PURETECH accessory belt kits, including kits KA859.71, KA859.70, and KA859.72. Tools are also included in the offer! Take advantage of our… Read more

Creativity workshop on soft mobility

- Annecy - Corporate - Events

Creativity workshop on soft mobility Led by the head of the NTN Europe Créa'lab, this workshop on the theme of innovative services around soft mobility brought together a dozen participants, including partner experts and employees with a passion for cycling. The aim was to identify future uses and customer… Read more