
NTN-SNR presents the E-Wazuma at La Roche sur Foron (74) on 13 May 2017

- France - Corporate - Events


NTN-SNR and the French manufacturer Lazareth  will exhibit the E-Wazuma on Saturday 13 May 2017 at La Roche sur Foron as part of the day organized by the Automobile Club du Mont-Blanc.
The E-Wazuma, the electric version of the famous Wazuma sports tricycle, offers a new showcase to the electric wheel motor technology developed by NTN-SNR. Each two wheel motors are 30 kW and are integrated into the two rear twin wheels of the tricycle, for a unique performance which is worthy of being classified as a sports car. 

The ACMB e-Tour is a local event that aims to make ride electric vehicles throughout the department from seven cities to converge on Rochexpo at La Roche sur Foron for an Electric Mobility "Rendez-Vous".

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- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Рынки

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NTN запускает свою линейку 100% газовых амортизаторов: и это вполне естественно!

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Продукция

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