
A continuación encontrará notas y kits de prensa de NTN en Europa sobre su estructura, sus productos, servicios, tecnologías, innovaciones, etc …

Todos los resultados
Mayo 2016 - Mercados

NTN-SNR deploys 2 flagship products for towed agricultural machines

After their launch at the end of last year, NTN-SNR is deploying its offering of built-in hubs and inserts for self-aligning bearing units for all manufacturers of agricultural machines and...

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Mayo 2016 - Grupo

NTN-SNR mobilized in the fight against forgery

NTN-SNR bearings are prone to copying or forgery. Increasingly sophisticated forgery techniques observed for several years make it virtually impossible for the untrained eye to distinguish non-...

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Mayo 2016 - Innovación

NTN-SNR innovates by proposing reversed tapered bearings at the service of motor vehicle performance

NTN-SNR presents reversed tapered bearings for the motor vehicle industry. This innovation, which was initially designed for gearboxes also has applications in other fields, such as wheels in...

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Abril 2016 - Grupo

NTN-SNR Clean Sky bearings honoured by the European Union

NTN-SNR’s project to supply bearings for Snecma's Open-Rotor engine demonstrator was among the 10 projects of the European Clean Sky research programme to be shortlisted to receive one of three...

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Marzo 2016 - Grupo

NTN-SNR, bearing and movement specialist

NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS, with a head office at Annecy (Haute-Savoie, France), belongs to the Japanese group NTN Corporation, one of the world leaders in bearings. NTN-SNR ensures the management and...

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Marzo 2016 - Grupo

Le E-Wazuma de NTN-SNR et Lazareth en vedette au salon du 2 roues à Lyon Eurexpo les 4, 5 et 6 mars

Le E-Wazuma développé par NTN-SNR et le constructeur français Lazareth sera exposé en vedette au salon du 2 roues qui se tient à Lyon Eurexpo du 4 au 6 mars 2016. Le E-Wazuma, version électrique...

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Febrero 2016 - Grupo

NTN-SNR now offers a range of hydraulic nuts with more than 130 references available

NTN-SNR will in February offer of its enhanced range of hydraulic nuts with more than 130 references available to users and distributors. These hydraulic nuts are strategic parts to ensure the...

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Febrero 2016 - Mercados

NTN ‐ SNR was awarded the grand prize «Innovative Supplier of the Year 2015» by Nexus Automotive International

During the Nexus Business Forum 2016 in Montreux, NTN ‐ SNR has been awarded the prize "Innovative supplier of the year" for the Services part.
Nexus automotive International, one of the...

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Diciembre 2015 - Grupo

NTN-SNR : hôte pour les « Matinales de l’emploi »

Vendredi 18 décembre, NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS a accueilli les DRH du bassin d’Annecy pour une «Matinale de l’emploi» animée par le Pôle Emploi de Meythet. 1h30 d’échanges qui a permis de faire le point...

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Diciembre 2015 - Grupo

Des médailles par centaines !

NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS, premier employeur privé des deux Savoie, a récompensé l’ancienneté et la qualité de ses salariés par la remise de Médailles d’Honneur du Travail.
275 distinctions au...

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