
Launch of the belt in oil kit KD452.03

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Products


The timing system with belt in oil has a lot of benefits: compactness of the engine, a better engine performance, a reduced friction coefficient that gives a better fuel consumption, less emissions of CO2, and minimal noise due to the optimized profile of the pulleys and the belt.

More models will be equipped with that kind of timing system and the length recommend by the manufacturer are 10 years or 180.000km. NTN-SNR as a major actor of the aftermarket offers its first BIO kit for the Ford 1l 12V engine that runs with this system. A range in development!

Profitieren Sie von den SNR Powertrain PRO DAYS!

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Events

Lassen Sie sich unsere Powertrain PRO DAYS vom 10. bis 21. Juni 2024 nicht entgehen! Entdecken Sie unsere Sonderkonditionen für das Motorsteuerungssortiment, mit tollen Angeboten auf unsere Steuerketten-Kits. Wählen Sie aus verschiedenen Paketen, die 4 bis 6 Kits pro Automarke enthalten. Verpassen Sie diese… Read more

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- Annecy - Industriegroßhandel - Produkte

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