
Ultra-wide-angle outboard joint with a high efficiency for SUV and 4x4

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Products


55°, a world record by NTN!

Thanks to many improved features including the bending angle that increased from 47 ° to 55 °, the CFJ-W1 "Best in Class" constant velocity joint provides better performance and optimal efficiency by drastically reducing friction and CO2 emissions.

Lighter and more resistant to tear and wear, the CVjoints meet the ecological requirements imposed by manufacturers for SUV and 4X4 whose success keep increasing in recent years.

With a reduction of approximately 50% in the torque loss ratio compared to conventional products (VUJ), this patented NTN innovation is dedicated to a worldwide development.

NTN-SNR is the first manufacturer to offer an ultra-wide-angle up to 55° outboard joint!


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