
NTN is a partner of the Raid 4L Trophy

- Annecy - Corporate - Events

NTN is a partner of the Raid 4L Trophy

From 16 to 26 February, the 26th edition of Europe's largest charity rally raid dedicated to 18-28 year olds will cross Spain and Morocco. 1500 crews will cover more than 6,000 km riding the iconic Renault 4Ls, venturing as far as the dunes of the Sahara.

The objective is to bring school and sports supplies to the most disadvantaged children in Morocco, in partnership with non-profit organisation Enfants du Désert.

This year, we are supporting two crews:
Le Polycrew: Dorian Caullireau and Clément Massit, two students from Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
Ride4Human: Florian Gros, work-study student at NTN, and his teammate Robin Berthet, one other student.

We provided them with bearings and parts to equip their 4L, and NTN employees volunteered to gather school supplies.

We wish both crews good luck in this great adventure!

Approfittate dei PRO DAYS Powertrain SNR!

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Eventi

Dal 10 al 21 giugno 2024, tornano i PRO DAYS sulla gamma Powertrain! Scoprite la nostra promozione per i motori Puretech con condizioni speciali sui kit distribuzione ausiliaria KA859.71, KA859.70 e KA859.72. La promozione prevede anche offerte sull'attrezzatura CLAS. Inoltre, potete beneficiare della… Read more

NTN amplia la propria offerta Truck con i mozzi ruota con cuscinetto integrato!

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Mercati

Dal mese di marzo i mozzi ruota con cuscinetto integrato entrano a far parte dell'offerta Truck NTN. Conformi agli standard OEM, questi mozzi di alta qualità garantiscono un montaggio veloce in officina e allo stesso tempo riducono i tempi di immobilizzazione del veicolo. Con queste prime 32 referenze, NTN… Read more