
A look back at NTN's participation in the Paris Air Show Le Bourget 2023

- Paris - Aerospace - Events

A look back at NTN's participation in the Paris Air Show Le Bourget 2023

NTN Europe participated in the Paris Air Show Le Bourget 2023. Our booth attracted the attention of many visitors at this unique event. It served as a platform for productive meetings with many customers and prospects, bolstering our visibility in the aerospace market.

The show was a real success, offering an impressive venue and state-of-the-art facilities. We were delighted to take part in this world-renowned event and to work in an environment that fostered meaningful exchanges with key industry players.

Throughout the week, we engaged in numerous meetings with customers. Visitors to our stand showed a keen interest in our products and innovative solutions. This interaction with customers reinforced their confidence in our SNR brand and opened up new prospects for collaboration.

The professionalism, commitment and expertise of NTN's staff were praised by our visitors. Their dedication and passion helped create an exceptional customer experience, strengthening our existing business relationships.

Our participation in the 2023 Paris Air Show serves as a catalyst for the company. It has allowed us to raise our profile in the global aerospace market and solidify our position as a leader.

In conclusion, we would like to express our gratitude to the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Cluster and the exhibition teams for their outstanding performance. The fruitful meetings with customers, the recognition of the teams and the overall atmosphere of the event made it a real success for NTN.

We are more determined than ever to continue innovating, providing cutting-edge solutions, and fullfiling the needs of our aerospace partners.


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