
NTN X CIXI: Expertise meets innovation for active and sustainable mobility

- Annecy - Corporate - Technology



NTN is proud to announce the continuation of its acceleration partnership with CIXI, the French scale up that is developing a revolutionary haptic pedal technology called PERS and an alternative vehicle the VIGOZ that promises to redefine active mobility. This partnership highlights our shared commitment to innovation, sustainability and improving quality of life through environmentally-friendly, high-performance transport solutions.


Strategically aligned collaboration

In 2020, NTN Europe launched the "Innovative Company Accelerator" programme, designed to support promising start-ups and scale-ups in the design, development and industrialisation of new responsible mobility technologies. CIXI, with its ambitious projects such as the VIGOZ and PERS, was a winner in this programme. The VIGOZ is an active mobility vehicle capable of reaching speeds of 120 km/h, while the PERS is an electronic pedal system with no chains or belts, offering unprecedented functionality and freedom of design for active electric vehicles.




Come and discover these innovations on the CIXI stand
at the Eurobike show in Frankfurt (Germany)
Hall 8 - Stand D16



A win-win partnership

The collaboration with NTN Europe has enabled CIXI to accelerate the industrialisation of its innovations thanks to our expertise in mechanical engineering and friction management. This partnership has also facilitated CIXI's access to a solid network of partners for development and industrialisation, strengthening its ability to quickly access the market.

According to Christophe Nicot, Director of Research, Innovation and Development at NTN Europe, this collaboration is a mutually beneficial experience. "Start-ups accelerate NTN as much as NTN Europe can accelerate them", he stresses. For his part, Nicolas Ohlmann, co-founder and CTO of CIXI, appreciates the complementary nature and motivation of the NTN Europe teams, who have contributed valuable expertise on new bearing applications.

A shared vision for a sustainable future

As part of its mission to build a more fluid and harmonious society, NTN is committed to promoting efficient and eco-responsible mobility through advanced and sustainable technologies. NTN and CIXI share a vision focused on creating responsible mobility solutions that promote an active and healthy lifestyle. By combining its strengths with those of CIXI, NTN is helping to transform daily journeys into enjoyable and active moments, in harmony with the environment.

With the support of NTN Europe, CIXI is accelerating its ability to meet the challenges of industrialising and marketing its innovative products. CIXI's new factory in Annecy (France) is equipped to mass-produce these new mobility solutions, offering the partnership a promising future.


**About CIXI**: CIXI's ambition is to 'reactivate' everyday transport and to participate in the re-enchantment of our modern lives by developing active, safe vehicles that consume as little energy as possible.




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- annecy - Aerospace - Mercati

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