
Automechanika Innovation Award - Among finalists, NTN-SNR is rewarded for its ceramic bearing of the Jaguar XE SV Project 8…a world premiere!

- Frankfurt - Automotive OEM - Products


At Automechanika 2018, NTN-SNR is unveiling its new ceramic bearing, which was specially developed for Jaguar-Land-Rover in the context of the limited edition Jaguar XE SV Project 8.
This ceramic bearing has been selected by a jury of professionals as a finalist for Automechanika Innovation Awards out of 120 entries in competition.

The first benefit is the 840-gram overall reduction on the vehicle. In addition, ceramic ball bearings allow for better rigidity of the bearing when it is fitted to the vehicle. That extra rigidity helps reduce deformation of the bearing when the vehicle is being used on the race track. The ceramic balls used in the bearing also generate far less friction than a normal steel ball, allowing the bearing to rotate much easier. The reduced friction improves both performance and fuel consumption. See more

Approfittate dei PRO DAYS Powertrain SNR!

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Eventi

Dal 10 al 21 giugno 2024, tornano i PRO DAYS sulla gamma Powertrain! Scoprite la nostra promozione per i motori Puretech con condizioni speciali sui kit distribuzione ausiliaria KA859.71, KA859.70 e KA859.72. La promozione prevede anche offerte sull'attrezzatura CLAS. Inoltre, potete beneficiare della… Read more

NTN amplia la propria offerta Truck con i mozzi ruota con cuscinetto integrato!

- Annecy - Automotive Aftermarket - Mercati

Dal mese di marzo i mozzi ruota con cuscinetto integrato entrano a far parte dell'offerta Truck NTN. Conformi agli standard OEM, questi mozzi di alta qualità garantiscono un montaggio veloce in officina e allo stesso tempo riducono i tempi di immobilizzazione del veicolo. Con queste prime 32 referenze, NTN… Read more